When people are hungry most of the time they don’t pay attention to the choices they make on the food they eat. Problem is that you might go for a quick bite on a bag of chips or something stuffed with industrial sugars which is not the best way to enjoy and benefit from food. However, there are many ways to help you combat the habit of making questionable, cravings-fueled decisions about snacks. One of this it’s to keep some more nutritious options (healthy snacks) near you. So you will be prepared for snack time when hunger hits. We’ve gathered up some of our favourite pineapple, banana and/or guava snacks – all with organic ingredients only, and all full of the nutrients that are ready to give you the energy boost that you need to get through a busy day.
When it comes to snacks, not all options are made equal. All nutritionists refer to the ideal snack to be filled with ingredients that replenish your body with the much-needed vitamins and minerals, the right amount of calories in a balanced way to give you energy and keep you healthy. Ideally, that means it’s high in fibre, has plenty of vitamins and minerals, and contains some protein and healthy fats. Well, most foods don’t contain all of the nutrients needed for the human body. The best choice is to combine a few of them so you can get all that your body needs.

Pineapple, which is packed with lots of fibre, vitamin C, and bromelain, among other nutrients. It is the perfect ingredient to start building the ideal healthy snack. Sweet but low in calories, it is easy to implement it in a wide variety of recipes to please all kinds of appetites. No need to worry about your much-needed daily intake of vitamin C, it will provide more vitamin C to your body than many other similar fruits. Also, there is one main fact to take into consideration, pineapple is the only natural source of bromelain, an enzyme that helps with the digestive system by reducing inflammation. Being so rich and helpful, considering it as a superfood and implementing it on your diet is the right choice that will guarantee you the daily intake of vitamins, minerals and much-needed fibres not to mention the energy boost and the delicious and tasty snack.
You can read more about pineapple in this article: Top 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Pineapple and Pineapple Snacks
For something that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth but pack in the vitamins, try these banana and pineapple brownies from Ipanema Valley. A snack made with love for you, easy to grab when you need something sweet, tasty and full of energy.
Buy now Banana brownies with pineapple.

Bananas are what you can easily consider a super healthy food because of the nutrients this fruit is loaded with. It doesn’t matter if you just eat them, drink their juice or decide to make them part of your sweet snacks. As long as you include them in your diet, you're already doing a good job towards a healthy life. Ever heard of the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” well forget that because the nutrients and the benefits of bananas have outweighed the ones found on the apples by far. You can have twice the carbohydrates and around three times more Phosphorus and way more Vitamin A. Don’t forget the fact that this fruit is rich in fibres, natural sugar but most of all reach with Potassium and lots of minerals as well. What makes this fruit so special is the fact that there is a balanced concentration of sugars and fibres inside of it, making the banana a perfect snack for people who have diabetes. The balanced percentage of sugars and fibres helps in maintaining a healthy blood glucose concentration. As far as the studies have proven that a single banana is way better than any expensive energy drink at replenishing your body with the much-needed energy and way healthier as well. Think of this the next time you go and buy a Red bull or any other energy drink. A single banana provides enough calories for your body so you can sustain yourself for 1 hour of workout or a 2-hour walk. Including this fruit in your diet will help you get rid of the caffeine you need to desperately have when you wake up in the morning as well.
More interesting information on Banana - The Best Fruit, Banana Brownie – The Best Snack
For something that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth but pack in the vitamins, try these banana brownies from Ipanema Valley. A snack made with love for you, easy to grab when you need something sweet, tasty and full of energy.
Buy now Banana Brownies directly from the Ipanema Valley website.

Guava is one of the tropical fruits that are recently gaining a lot of popularity among consumers and nutritionists as well. Just a single Guava fruit of 55 grams/2 ounces has only 38 calories, nearly 5 grams of sugar and only 0.5 grams of fat, it is pretty obvious that this is a must in your daily diet as well. With a high concentration of Vitamin A and C, folic acid, manganese, copper and potassium this is a high-end treatment for your body needs. Guava is rich in fibres and provides excellent gastrointestinal benefits. Also an excellent source of antioxidants that helps to boost the immune system. Guava is a favourite snack even among those who have diabetes due to the fact that it has properties that help to regulate blood sugar levels, especially recommended to be consumed after meals. The optimal daily consumption recommended of this fruit is 100 grams or 2 normal-sized guava fruits that should provide you with your daily need of Vitamin C and the daily need of fibres as well. Considering the fact that Guava is an excellent source of energy and helps you recover the minerals you can lose during your daily activity this delicious fruit is a must to your daily diet.
Check out our article 15 Amazing Guava Benefits in Ipanema Valley Healthy Snacks
For something that’ll satisfy your sweet tooth but pack in the vitamins, try these banana and guava brownies from Ipanema Valley. A snack made with love for you, easy to grab when you need something sweet, tasty and full of energy.
Shop BANANA AND GUAVA BROWNIES from Ipanema Valley.
The perfect pineapple is rich in bromelain and guava is rich in vitamin C, making them both natural immune system booster. Bananas are rich in potassium and a natural energy booster.
Allow yourself to indulge in something sweet without overdoing it. A serving of our vegan, no sugar added snacks will help you ease the hunger and will give you a boost of energy while maximizing the feeling of satisfaction and eating healthy.
Keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and satisfied by staying faithful to Ipanema Valley snacks.