Test Page

{% assign description_width = '' %} {% assign form_width = '' %} {% case section.settings.layout %} {% when 'right' or 'left' %} {% assign description_width = 'large--one-half wow fadeInUp' %} {% assign form_width = 'large--one-half wow fadeInUp' %} {% when 'center' %} {% assign description_width = 'small--one-whole wow fadeInUp' %} {% assign form_width = 'small--one-whole wow fadeInUp' %} {% endcase %} {% capture contact-info %}
{% comment %} Regular page content goes here. {% endcomment %}
{{ page.content }}
{% endcapture %}
{% if section.settings.banner_image != blank %} {% capture contact_alt %}{{ section.settings.banner_image.alt | default: page.title }}{% endcapture %} {% if section.settings.banner-image-size == 'original' %} {% render 'responsive-image' with section.settings.banner_image, alt: contact_alt | escape, class: 'contact-page--feature-image' %} {% else %} {% capture image_layout %} {% endcapture %} {{ image_layout }} {% endif %} {% else %}
{% endif %}

{{ page.title }}

{% if section.settings.layout == 'right' or section.settings.layout == 'below' %} {{ contact-info }} {% endif %}
{% comment %} Contact form starts here {% endcomment %}
{% form 'contact' %} {% comment %} Successful message {% endcomment %} {% if form.posted_successfully? %}

{{ 'contact.form.post_success' | t }}

{% endif %} {{ form.errors | default_errors }} {% if section.blocks.size == 0 %}
{{ 'general.onboarding.no_content' | t }}
{% endif %} {% for block in section.blocks %} {% case block.settings.field-type %} {% when 'text' %} {% if block.settings.form-field-label != blank %} {% assign form-field-label = block.settings.form-field-label %} {% else %} {% assign form-field-label = 'contact.form.name' | t %} {% endif %} {% when 'email' %} {% if block.settings.form-field-label != blank %} {% assign form-field-label = block.settings.form-field-label %} {% else %} {% assign form-field-label = 'contact.form.email' | t %} {% endif %} {% when 'phone' %} {% if block.settings.form-field-label != blank %} {% assign form-field-label = block.settings.form-field-label %} {% else %} {% assign form-field-label = 'contact.form.phone' | t %} {% endif %} {% when 'textbox' %} {% if block.settings.form-field-label != blank %} {% assign form-field-label = block.settings.form-field-label %} {% else %} {% assign form-field-label = 'contact.form.message' | t %} {% endif %} {% endcase %} {% endfor %} {% if section.blocks.size > 0 %} {{ 'shopify.online_store.spam_detection.disclaimer_html' | t }}
{% endif %} {% endform %}
{% if section.settings.layout == 'left' %} {{ contact-info }} {% endif %}
{% if section.settings.show-map %}
{% if section.settings.api_key != blank and section.settings.map_address != blank %} {% assign map_visible = true %} {% else %} {% assign map_visible = false %} {% endif %}
{% if map_visible %}
{% endif %} {% if section.settings.background_image != blank %} {% capture map_alt %}{{ section.settings.background_image.alt | default: page.title }}{% endcapture %} {% else %}
{{ 'lifestyle-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'icon icon--placeholder' }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
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"fr": "Google Maps trouvera l'emplacement exact", "pt-PT": "O Google Maps irá encontrar a localização exata" }, "default": { "en": "80 Spadina Ave, Toronto", "de": "80 Spadina Ave, Toronto", "es": "80 Spadina Ave, Toronto", "fr": "80, avenue Spadina, Toronto", "pt-PT": "80 Spadina Ave, Toronto" } }, { "id": "api_key", "type": "text", "label": { "en": "Google Maps API key", "de": "Google Maps API-Schlüssel", "es": "Llave API Google Maps", "fr": "Clé API de Google Maps", "pt-PT": "Chave API do Google Maps" }, "info": { "en": "You’ll need to [register a Google Maps API Key](https://help.shopify.com/manual/using-themes/troubleshooting/map-section-api-key) to display the map", "de": "Sie müssen [einen Google Maps API-Schlüssel registrieren](https://help.shopify.com/manual/using-themes/troubleshooting/map-section-api-key), um die Karte anzuzeigen", "es": "Necesita [registrar una llave API de Google Maps](https://help.shopify.com/manual/using-themes/troubleshooting/map-section-api-key) para mostrar el mapa", "fr": "Vous devrez [enregistrer une clé API de Google Maps](https://help.shopify.com/manual/using-themes/troubleshooting/map-section-api-key) pour afficher la carte.", "pt-PT": "Tem de [registar uma chave API do Google Maps](https://help.shopify.com/manual/using-themes/troubleshooting/map-section-api-key) para visualizar o mapa" } }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "background_image", "label": { "en": "Image", "de": "Bild", "es": "Imagen", "fr": "Image", "pt-PT": "Imagem" }, "info": { "en": "Displayed if the map isn’t loaded", "de": "Angezeigt, wenn die Karte nicht lädt", "es": "Se mostrará si el mapa no se carga", "fr": "Affiché si la carte n'est pas chargée", "pt-PT": "Exibido se o mapa não carregar" } } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "text", "name": { "en": "Form field", "de": "Formularfeld", "es": "Campo del formulario", "fr": "Champ du formulaire", "pt-PT": "Campo do formulário" }, "settings": [ { "type": "select", "id": "field-type", "options": [ { "value": "text", 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